Handy when you need it and frustrating when you forget how you
accidentally turned it on: That's XWindows' keypad mouse mode.
It is actived by pressing "Num Lock" while holding down the Shift key.
Hit Shift + NumLock again to toggle out of the mode.
The numbers around the edge (7,8,9,6,3,2,1,4) move the cursor up, down,
left, right, and diagonally. 5 and Enter become left-click; 0 becomes
The Add User Mod for PHPBB
is an excellent addition, letting admins add users directly, like when
moving from an email list or alternate board.
However with PHPBB 3.0.7 you will encounter the problem that new users
do not receive their automatically generated password in the signup
email. Likewise, users who create a new account for themselves will not
receive the password in email; perhaps this is desirable from a
security standpoint, but it increases "Help me!" calls to admins like
me to an unusable level.
Edit language/en/email/user_welcome.txt
and update as follows:
Username: {USERNAME}
Password: {PASSWORD}
Board URL: {U_BOARD}
Your password has been securely stored in our database and cannot be retrieved. In the event that it is forgotten, you will be able to reset it using the email address associated with your account.
Thank you for registering.
If you wish to change your new password to something you will more easily remember, the location to do so is...
- User Control Panel link
- Profile
- Edit Account settings
- then enter your New password
- Confirm your New password
- below that enter your Current password (just provided in this email)
- click on the Submit button
...and you're done.
* For your own security please also get accustomed to using a secure password - which is at least 7 characters, and which should include: Capital and lowercase letters, a number, and a punctuation mark. And preferably something not resembling an entry in your desktop dictionary!
Purge the PHPBB cache: Right on the ACP General tab, in the first
box is:
Purge the cache
Purge all cache related items, this includes any cached template files or queries.
Click the Run Now
Problem solved!
by deckardt (989092) writes on
Here is my recipe for [serial terminals on] Ubuntu, using USB serial
hook up the stuff and config the terminals correctly (I used 9600
8n1 due to long cables, got weird chars at 19200+)
put the following in /etc/init/ttyUSB0.conf
# ttyUSB0 - getty
# This service maintains a getty on tty1 from the point the system is
# started until it is shut down again.#start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]
#stop on runlevel [!2345]
exec /sbin/getty -8 9600 ttyUSB0 vt100
---(repeat for as many terminals you have, incrementing the 0 of
ttyUSB0 to 1 to 2 etc)--- 3. reboot or
# sudo service ttyUSB0 start
(repeat for as many terminals you have, incrementing 0 to 1 to 2
etc) ...
Here is my setup with a WYSE vt420 compatible and two vt320's http://www.flickr.com/photos/rickdeckardt/4748415699/
Alternately, just add to /etc/inittab
s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L -w 9600 ttyS0 vt100
telinit q
After reading Justin Tadlock's excellent writeup of Wordpress 3.0
navigation menus
(nav-menus), I am seriously disappointed and annoyed at this new
A nightmare to maintain, spaghetti bowl of desynchronization, is what
these new menus are. They statically replicate what we already had
dynamic widgets for. In database lingo, they violate third normal form.
Post and page descriptions are computed from the page content AT ADD
TIME; if you update a post or page, its description is not updated, so
you have to remember to manually edit each menu entry each time you
edit something. Adding pages, or changing a page’s Order, or changing a
page’s Parent, does not change the menu, you have to manually go
replicate all your changes in two places.
Nor can I find any way to write a widget that creates menu items, like
my http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/hierarchical-pages/
, which would solve the above problems by creating menus on the fly,
based on your current page location, the N latest posts, or other
In short, the new menus should have been a widget, that could be
inserted anywhere, instead of a whole new structure. What a mess.
As root: First make a backup of the existing key and certificate
# cd /etc/pki/dovecot
# cp -a certs/dovecot.pem certs/dovecot.pem.old
# cp -a private/dovecot.pem private/dovecot.pem.old
Create the new SSL certificate for two years:
# openssl genrsa -out private/dovecot.pem 1024
openssl req -new -x509 -key private/dovecot.pem -out certs/dovecot.pem -days 730
Restart Dovecot:
# /etc/init.d/dovecot restart
To see the start and end dates for the certificate:
# openssl x509 -dates -in certs/dovecot.pem