How to install updated nvidia drivers in recent Ubuntu versions
I found this guide helpful.
I found this guide helpful.
This message prevents you from opening an Access (or, potentially other files in other applications) as a security precaution.
If you are trying to open the file: \servermysharemydat
then in Internet Explorer 7, go to: Tools / Internet Options and on the Security tab click the Local Intranet icon; click the Sites button; click Advanced; and add the "website" of: \server ... this will appear as file:\server once you click the Add button. Problem solved!
If you use the word, "Administrate" Your grammar I won't admirate If your computer is configurated To say it is a word, you'll have to reinterpretate What it says, 'cause it's not, I have been reliably informated.
Recent versions of Ubuntu, and other Linux distributions, have a 'scrambled' (hashed) known hosts file ( ~/.ssh/known_hosts ). This makes it non-obvious to work around the fatal warning (more like an error) that "Remote host identification has changed!" -- Here's why and how.
According to GaB's weblog,
Beginning with the release of
OpenSSH ]( version 4.0, a new configuration directive was introduced: 'HashKnownHosts yes'. When you set this option in your ssh_config file, ssh will start recording a one-way cryptographic hash of the hostname and IP address rather than recording them in clear text. Later, when initiating subsequent ssh sessions, your ssh client will hash the hostname you type and look it up in the known_hosts file to find the previously-recorded ssh host key for the remote server. You will effectively still be able to automatically verify ssh host keys but attackers won't be able to harvest hostnames and IP addresses from the known_hosts file.
Today is HashKnownHosts usually set by default to yes. That implies that you can't edit nor view your known_hosts key file. So if the public key of a known host changes (for example because it was reinstalled), you get usually an error message like below if you try to establish a connection to the host, SSH assumes a
Man-in-the-middle_attack ]( .
If this happens, you will see an error like:
$ ssh myserver
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /home/todd/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending key in /home/todd/.ssh/known_hosts:15
RSA host key for myserver has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.
You can resolve this by deleting the offending entry from known_hosts:
$ ssh-keygen -R myserver
or by removing the specified line (15, in this case) from the known_hosts file.
This assumes you are creating a forum in, using subdirectories as provided by Virtualmin; change appropriately.
Also assumes you have placed PHPBB
modification files in /opt/phpbb
Add American English:
cd ~/domains/ unzip
In ACP, go to System / Language Packs and Install the American English one.
Then go to General / (Board Configuration) Board Settings and set the default language to American English.
Eliminate error: Imageset misses "en_us" localisation
cd ~/domains/
ln -s en en_us
Permit admins to add users directly:
cd ~/domains/ cp -a
/opt/phpbb/acp_add_user_mod/root/* .
Problem: Using default email notification, users added by admins will
not receive their password. The combination is locked inside the vault.
Edit ~/domains/
as follows:
---------------------------- Username: {USERNAME}
Password: {PASSWORD}
Board URL: {U_BOARD} ----------------------------
Your password has been securely stored in our database and cannot be retrieved. In the event that it is forgotten, you will be able to reset it using the email address associated with your account.
Thank you for registering.
If you wish to change your new password to something you will more easily remember, the location to do so is...
User Control Panel link - Profile - Edit Account settings - then enter your New password - Confirm your New password - below that enter your Current password (just provided in this email) - click on the Submit button ...and you're done.
For your own security please also get accustomed to using a secure password - which is at least 7 characters, and which should include: Capital and lowercase letters, a number, and a punctuation mark. And preferably something not resembling an entry in your desktop dictionary!
Copy that file to American English:
cd ~/domains/ cp -a
en/email/user_welcome.txt en_us/email/user_welcome.txt