When installing a new plugin, or upgrading an existing theme,
plugin, or WordPress itself, you may be asked for FTP details. But, you
say, I thought I had this configured to update directly. Here's how to
force WordPress to upgrade without FTP.
In your wp-config.php
file, add a line near the top:
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');
This forces WordPress to write to files directly. Once this is done,
you will get error messages that better explain what isn't working.
For example, you may need group write privileges on the
wp-content/upgrade directory:
chmod g+w wp-content/upgrade
If you get this error:
Could not remove the old plugin.
you will also need to ensure there is group write on all the plugins
chmod -R g+w wp-content/plugins
Update July 2012: A more robust solution, from within the cpan
program, is: install Bundle::CPAN
A common Perl module, ReadLine is especially handy when running the cpan
program to install other modules, as it lets you up-arrow through
previous commands, edit your command with the arrows and so on.
At least on Ubuntu 10.10 ... CPAN will not install it. You get this
cpan> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">install Term::ReadLine</span>
Running install for module 'Term::ReadLine'
CPAN: Data::Dumper loaded ok (v2.124)
'YAML' not installed, falling back to Data::Dumper and Storable to read prefs '/home/luser/.cpan/prefs'
The most recent version "1.05" of the module "Term::ReadLine"
is part of the perl-5.12.2 distribution. To install that, you need to run
force install Term::ReadLine --or--
install J/JE/JESSE/perl-5.12.2.tar.gz
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Failed during this command:
JESSE/perl-5.12.2.tar.gz : make NO isa perl
(typed text is underlined.)
The proper Ubuntu way to get ReadLine installed is to:
$ <span style="text-decoration: underline;">sudo apt-get install libterm-readline-gnu-perl </span>
You probably also want to install Term::ReadLine::Perl
(and) Term::ReadKey
Alternately, use the single-command-line cpanm
to install one or more
Perl modules and all dependencies, like this:
$ <u>cpanm Term::ReadLine Term::ReadLine::Perl Term::ReadKey</u>
You might also check Racker Hacker's
article on auotmatically installing CPAN dependencies without requiring
confirmation. Note, this will not prevent modules like those in the
Test suite from asking:
<em>{this module} </em>is just needed temporarily during building or testing.
Do you want to install it permanently? [yes]
The 'cpan' command won't "install GD" as it complains that the GD
library is not found. Although GD is installed in Ubuntu by default,
you need the developer library. What you want instead is:
$ sudo apt-get install libgd-gd2-perl
$ perl
use GD;
I'm moving my internal server to new hardware and wanting to load
CentOS 5.2 ... without downloading a half dozen CDs or a 4+GB DVD
image... half of which I probably won't need, or which will be replaced
by updates anyway.
Fortunately, the latest releases have a Net install image, which is
only about 8MB. Look for this file on the mirrors:
for the 64-bit version, or as appropriate for your architecture.
Booting that CD asks about your keyboard and such, and then asks for an
Installation Method. Pick HTTP, and you'll be asked for the website and
directory. Strangely, there's no automatic list of mirrors, so you have
to do some scouting. I suggest using the mirror from singlehop
-- enter this:
Web site name: yum.singlehop.com
CentOS directory: CentOS/5.2/os/x86_64
The first file downloaded is images/stage2.img
which is about 90MB,
and then off you go.
If you're setting up a large number of servers, you probably want to
either download the ISOs or install a local mirror.