Listing email accounts hosted on a Webmin / Virtualmin server


Here's a little script that I found handy to scan Postfix's virtual address table, compare the domains with the ones actually hosted by the system, and tell me what's really going on.

This works great for servers setup with Webmin and Virtualmin, or with plain postfix installs.

See the comments about how the script determines who "we" really are.


# Looks at /etc/postfix/virtual and tells us which of those emails
# are _actually_ hosted by this system, based on whether DNS lookups of
# the domains seem to point to "us"... where "us" is defined as any
# of the IP addresses on any of localhost's interfaces.
# Naturally, this will fail if your system is behind a gateway/firewall,
# because we have no way of probing that gadget to see how connections
# are routed from "The Internet" to us.

# Copyright (c) 2012, William Lindley bill -at- saltriversystems -dot- com
# 2012-06-06

# This script is free software, you may distribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

use Net::DNS;
use Socket qw/inet_aton/;

use IO::Socket;
use IO::Interface qw(:flags);

my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'udp');
my @interfaces = $s->if_list;
my %local_interfaces;

for my $if (@interfaces) {
    my $flags = $s->if_flags($if);

    if ( ( $flags & IFF_RUNNING ) && 
     !( $flags & IFF_LOOPBACK ) &&
     !( $flags & IFF_NOARP )) {
    $local_interfaces{$if}{address} = $s->if_addr($if);
    $local_interfaces{$s->if_addr($if)}{interface} = $if;


my $r = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;

open VIRTUAL, '<', '/etc/postfix/virtual';

my %domains_hosted;

while (<VIRTUAL>) {
    s/#.*$//;  # Remove after comment
    my ($address, $alias) = split;
    if ($address) {
    if ($alias !~ /@/) { # Only for local addresses (not forwarded)
        my ($name, $domain) = ($address =~ /^([^@]+)@(.+)$/);
        next unless $name;
#        print "[$name]@[$domain] -> [$alias]n";
        $domains_hosted{$domain}{hosted} = 1;

use Data::Dumper;

foreach my $domain (keys %domains_hosted) {

# Liberally borrowed from David Landgren (grinder)'s code at
    my %res;
    my $rr = $r->query( $domain, 'MX' );
    if ($rr) {
    for my $mx( $rr->answer ) {
            if( $mx->type eq 'CNAME' ) {
                my $a_rr = $r->query( $mx->cname, 'A' );
                if( !$a_rr ) {
                    push @{$res{-1}}, { ip => $mx->cname, forw => $r->
                        errorstring, back => 'CNAME' };
                } else {
                    $_->type eq "A"
                        and push @{$res{-1}}, { ip => $mx->cname, forw => $_->address, back => 'CNAME' }
            for( $a_rr->answer );

            next unless $mx->type eq 'MX';

            my $a_rr = $r->query( $mx->exchange, 'A' );

            if( !$a_rr ) {
                push @{$res{$mx->preference ? $mx->preference : 0}}, {
                    ip   => $mx->exchange,
                    forw => $r->errorstring,
                    back => $r->errorstring,

            my @a;
            for my $a( $a_rr->answer ) {
                next unless $a->type eq "A";

                my $ptr_rr = $r->query( join( '.', reverse( split /./ , $a->address )) . '', 'PTR' );
        if ($local_interfaces{$a->address}{interface}) {
                if( !$ptr_rr ) {
                    push @{$res{$mx->preference}}, {
                        ip => $a->address,
                        forw => $mx->exchange,
                        back => $r->errorstring,
                } else {
                    foreach ( $ptr_rr->answer ) {
            if ( $_->type eq 'PTR' ) {
                push @{$res{$mx->preference}}, {
                ip => $a->address,
                forw => lc $mx->exchange,
                back => lc $_->ptrdname,

    $domains_hosted{$domain}{mx} = %res;

# This could be greatly expanded by doing more with the data herein:
# print Dumper(%domains_hosted);

print "These email accounts are actually hosted here:n";

foreach my $domain (sort keys %domains_hosted) {
    next unless $domains_hosted{$domain}{local};
    print $domain . "n";
    foreach my $email (sort keys %{$domains_hosted{$domain}{address}}) {
    print "   ${email}@${domain}n";
