To get gkrellm
and other goodies:
# <span style="text-decoration: underline;">rpm -Uhv</span>
That's for Centos 5.x (RHEL 5)... there may be updated instructions
on Dag's site.
On a 64-bit system, once you add rpmforge you may have problems
like this, when you go to do an update:
Transaction Check Error:
file /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/psvn.el from install of subversion-1.5.4-0.1.el5.rf conflicts with file from package subversion-1.4.2-2.el5
That's because rpmforge has only the 64-bit subversion, which
conflicts with the old 32-bit installed version. You probably have
both installed, which is normal. Verify this with:
# <span style="text-decoration: underline;">rpm -q --qf '%{NAME} %{ARCH}n' subversion</span>
subversion x86_64
subversion i386
The most logical way to resolve this conflict between repositories
is to uninstall (erase, with the -e
switch to rpm
) the package
and re-install it:
# <span style="text-decoration: underline;">rpm -e --allmatches subversion</span>
# <span style="text-decoration: underline;">yum install subversion</span>
So today when I tried to start my XP machine, I'm greeted with
VMware 2 telling me that it has expired.
Frustration: Why should I use a program that's going to decide to quit
working for no reason? I'm moving off this as soon as I can find a
viable alternative. I wouldn't use it at all but Quicken contains my
business data for the past 10+ years and transitioning that to
something else would be a pain. Why I can't buy Quicken Linux for
Business is incredibly frustrating.
Anyway, next frustration:
yum upgrade vmware
does nothing. Indeed, yum doesn't know there is a package called
"vmware" installed though of course it's running. After much
hair-pulling, this command works and tells us what's really going on:
rpm -qa | grep -i vmware VMware-server-2.0.0-110949 #
Aaaagh... it's mixed-case, then a dash, then "server" -- but don't give
yum anything past the second dash or it will get all confused again.
Just as brain-damaged as 'man' telling you:
SEE ALSO apropos(1), whatis(1), less(1), groff(1), man.config(5).
but when you try to ask for one of those pages you are greeted with the
$ man less(1) bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
and you actually would have to type:
$ man 1 less
which is NOT what the manpage told you at all. It should have said: See
also: 1 man, 1 less, ...etc...
Anyway back to the issue... after downloading the new .rpm, do an rpm
-Uvh on it... then
/etc/rc.d/init.d/vmware stop /usr/bin/ /etc/rc.d/init.d/vmware
Yes, you must reconfigure the vmware server... things may have changed,
let it do its magic.
Finally as to the problem of arrow keys not working: see this post: VMWare
and the fubar keyboard effect
Basically, vmware gets confused by trying to remap the X keyboard. In
your /etc/vmware/config, add the line:
xkeymap.nokeycodeMap = true
and that should restore the arrow keys. If not, you can always turn
NumLock off and use the arrow keys on the numeric pad. (A bit of a pain
when using accounting software!)
Additional Repositories
We are going to add the Ubuntu Partner and Medibuntu
repositories which contain a number of apps.
From a terminal window, edit /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
... and enable the intrepid partner repository:
## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's
## 'partner' repository. This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is
## offered by Canonical and the respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu
## users.
deb intrepid partner
deb-src intrepid partner
Then save the file.
To enable the Medibuntu repository, please do the following:
Import the repository:
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
Import the gpg-key and update your package-list:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update
Install software
Yes this all goes on one big long line --
sudo apt-get install amarok flashplugin-nonfree audacity azureus
banshee bluefish dvdrip filezilla msttcorefonts gnucash gstreamer* gtkpod-aac
sun-java6-bin sun-java6-javadb sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin
k3b kino mplayer mozilla-mplayer quanta kompozer scribus xchat-gnome
bittornado bittornado-gui sound-juicer helix-player mozilla-helix-player
googleearth acroread mozilla-acroread non-free-codecs ubuntu-restricted-extras
libdvdcss2 opera xine-ui xine-plugin xmms2 xmms2tray xmms2-plugin-airplay
xmms2-plugin-alsa xmms2-plugin-ao xmms2-plugin-asf xmms2-plugin-asx
xmms2-plugin-avcodec xmms2-plugin-cdda xmms2-plugin-cue
xmms2-plugin-curl xmms2-plugin-daap xmms2-plugin-faad xmms2-plugin-flac
xmms2-plugin-gme xmms2-plugin-gvfs xmms2-plugin-ices
xmms2-plugin-icymetaint xmms2-plugin-id3v2 xmms2-plugin-jack
xmms2-plugin-karaoke xmms2-plugin-lastfm xmms2-plugin-m3u
xmms2-plugin-mad xmms2-plugin-mms xmms2-plugin-modplug
xmms2-plugin-mp4 xmms2-plugin-musepack xmms2-plugin-normalize
xmms2-plugin-ofa xmms2-plugin-oss xmms2-plugin-pls xmms2-plugin-pulse
xmms2-plugin-rss xmms2-plugin-sid xmms2-plugin-smb xmms2-plugin-speex
xmms2-plugin-vocoder xmms2-plugin-vorbis xmms2-plugin-wma
xmms2-plugin-xml xmms2-plugin-xspf vlc vlc-data vlc-dbg vlc-nox
vlc-plugin-arts vlc-plugin-esd vlc-plugin-ggi vlc-plugin-jack vlc-plugin-pulse
vlc-plugin-sdl vlc-plugin-svgalib thunderbird skype
You could also include
A more detailed explanation is on HowtoForge.
If you have an NFS mount called /home on host --
first make the directory /mnt and then, as root:
mount -o -P /mnt
Top 7 Ubuntu GUI tips
on OpenView360
Improve font appearance
Configure boot parameters
Enable backports (new software releases even on older installs)
Add a clipboard manager
Control startup applications