CPAN tricks
What modules are installed on my system?
# <span style="text-decoration: underline;">cpan -l</span>
From the cpan prompt, how can I tell whether a module is already installed, and what version?
cpan> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">i <em>module_name</em></span>
And how can I tell which modules are out-of-date or have updated versions?
cpan> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">r</span>
…which gives a result like:
Package namespace installed latest in CPAN file
Archive::Extract 0.70 0.72 BINGOS/Archive-…0.72.tar.gz
Attribute::Handlers 0.94 0.96 SMUELLER/Attribute…0.96.tar.gz
AutoLoader 5.73 5.74 SMUELLER/AutoLoader-5.74.tar.gz
B::Debug 1.18 1.19 RURBAN/B-Debug-1.19.tar.gz
Carp 1.29 1.3301 ZEFRAM/Carp-1.3301.tar.gz
Clone 0.36 0.37 GARU/Clone-0.37.tar.gz
Compress::Bzip2 2.16 2.17 RURBAN/Compress-….tar.gz
DB_File 1.827 1.831 PMQS/DB_File-1.831.tar.gz
Data::Dumper 2.145 2.151 SMUELLER/Data…151.tar.gz