CPAN on a fresh Linode


On a nice fresh Linode with CentOS or Debian: There is no cpan... or an insufficient one.

*CentOS: *$ sudo yum install perl-CPAN

OK, now

$ cpan

works great but, without any of the development tools, 'make' isn't even found. Specifically you will see this error, drowning amongst a sea of others:

Can't exec "make": No such file or directory

We need:

*CentOS: *$ sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' *Debian:* $ sudo apt-get install build-essential

And then:

$ sudo cpan cpan> install Test::More cpan> install Term::ReadLine cpan> install Term::ReadLine::Perl *# At least on Debian, just ReadLine is not enough* cpan> install Term::ReadKey