Virtualmin Configuration and Tuning


Upon first install Virtualmin, you will need to set a few configuration parameters:

We will be disabling root login to webmin / virtualmin. Start by creating an administration group:

The default should be to use Unix authentication for the Webmin users. That means, resetting your Unix password will update your Webmin login as well.

Logout of Webmin and then back in with your username. Go back to Webmin Users and click on the 'root' user in the list of users. Set the password to "No password accepted" and voilá, your Webmin is now a little more secure.

Disabling Unused Cronjobs

CentOS in particular puts unwanted tasks in the cron entries. They do not appear in the 'crontab' proper but in /etc/cron.daily and /etc/cron.hourly. Rename these files to be their hidden dotfile equivalents:


Otherwise, awstats will run every hour for every domain, regardless of the settings you make in Virtualmin. Also I disabled 'makewhatis' 'webalizer' and 'freshclam' as I am not using them.