In writing REST style interfaces, we would like to minimize code and
increase transparancy by passing sort, limit and offset parameters
from the HTTP request into your SQL queries.
Note that
throws an error if you specify -offset without -limit, so I always
include my own defaults for those instead of relying on the database.
# In your model
use List::Util qw(pairmap);
use SQL::Abstract::More;
my $sqla = SQL::Abstract::More->new;
sub _query_params {
my ($self, @params) = @_;
# Select request query parameters, skipping any omitted.
# Mogrify keys from e.g., 'offset' → '-offset' as per
# SQL::Abstract::More. Any non-word characters in the
# parameter's value are excised to prevent injection
# attacks. When building hash, provide default values (using
# -offset style) before calling this.
map { my $value = $self->param($_) =~ s/\W/ /gr;
defined $value ?
pairmap { ('-'.$a) => $b } ( $_, $value) :
() # empty list skips
} @params;
# Example model method
sub get_something {
my ($self) = @_; # $self passed from your Controller
my %qp = ( -offset => 10, -limit => 3,
$self->_query_params(qw(offset limit order_by)) );
my ($sql, @bind) = $sqla->select(-from => 'mytable', %qp );
Here is a complete example:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
# Gazetteer browser
# Demonstrating
# 1. Retrieval of tab-delimited file from U.S. Census Bureau into a SQLite database
# 2. Using SQL::Abstract::More to build queries
# 3. Safely passing Mojolicious query parameters to the database query
# 4. Returning JSON
use Mojo::UserAgent;
# Fetch remote resource.
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
# This is the list of place names in Vermont from the 2015 U.S. Census
my $tx = $ua->get('');
# For now, assume resource exists in the first chunk.
my $data_text = $tx->res->content->asset->get_chunk(0);
my @lines = split(/\s*\n/, $data_text);
my @fields = map { lc } split(/\t/, shift @lines);
# data as:
#VT 5000400 02378297 Albany village 47 A 3992913 25599 1.542 0.010 44.729932 -72.381758
use Mojo::SQLite;
# Create a table, using field names from first line of file
my $sql = Mojo::SQLite->new('sqlite:gaz_place.db');
$sql->db->query('drop table if exists places');
$sql->db->query('create table places (id integer primary key autoincrement, ' . join(',', map { "$_ text" } @fields ). ')');
# Populate table
foreach my $place_line (@lines) {
my %place;
@place{@fields} = map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_; } split (/\t/, $place_line);
if (defined $place{name}) { # Remove trailing USGS designation
$place{name} =~ s/\s+(village|city|CDP)//;
$sql->db->query('insert into places (' . join(',', keys %place ). ') '.
'values (' . join(',', (map {'?'} keys %place)) . ');',
values %place);
use SQL::Abstract::More;
my $sa = SQL::Abstract::More->new();
use List::Util qw(pairmap);
sub _query_params {
my ($self, @params) = @_;
# Select request query parameters, skipping any omitted.
# Mogrify keys from e.g., 'offset' → '-offset' as per
# SQL::Abstract::More. Any non-word characters in the
# parameter's value are excised to prevent injection
# attacks. When building hash, provide default values (using
# -offset style) before calling this.
map { my $value = $self->param($_) =~ s/\W/ /gr;
defined $value ?
pairmap { ('-'.$a) => $b } ( $_, $value) :
() # empty list skips
} @params;
get '/places' => sub {
my ($c) = @_;
# Build a SQL query parameter list with defaults, with selected HTTP query parameters.
# Invoke with $c->_query_params once you move that into a package
my %qp = ( -offset => 0, -limit => 10, _query_params($c, qw(offset limit order_by)));
$c->render(json => $sql->db->query($sa->select(-columns => '*', -from => 'places', %qp))->hashes);
get '/' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->render(template => 'index');
@@ index.html.ep
% layout 'default';
% title 'Gazetteer';
<h1>Gazetteer Place Name Browser</h1>
This demonstrates passing parametersthe
<%= link_to 'list of place names' => '/places' %>.
To see how parameters are passed through to the SQL,
try appending query strings like this:
<li><a href="/places">Example 1.</a> No parameter passed.</li>
<li><a href="/places?offset=0&limit=20&order_by=aland_sqmi+desc">Example 2</a>
has offset 0, limit 20, sorting by land area in square miles, largest first</l1>
<li><a href="/places?offset=20&limit=10&order_by=aland_sqmi+desc">Example 3</a>
has offset 20, limit 10, like a page following Example 2.</li>
<li><a href="/places?offset=0&limit=10&order_by=name+desc">Example 4</a>
has offset 0, limit 10, sorting by name, reverse alphabetically</l1>
@@ layouts/default.html.ep
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title><%= title %></title></head>
<body><%= content %></body>
Although templates are primarily used with HTML when writing programs
in Mojolicious, it is entirely possible and quite simple to use them
to respond to any of the MIME types that Mojolicious::Types
defines. You merely
use the appropriate one-word type name along with .ep, like this
Mojolicious::Lite example:
@@ index.json.ep
% use Mojo::JSON qw(to_json);
%== to_json { foo => 3 };
Here, we permit the /index route to respond with JSON by using Mojo's
convenient module. We use
the double-equal percent-print form so that quote characters and other
HTML-ish bits are output as-is, not ampersand-encoded.
It is important to not have empty lines above or below the content, as
the newlines would appear in the output.
Also note the use of to_json (which returns characters) rather than
encode_json (which returns bytes) to avoid double-encoding UTF8
With that in mind, you should be able to produce any file format you
Combining several of my previous posts, let's build a quick site
with Mojolicious and Zurb Foundation. We
will use the AssetPack
plugin. Although we are serving fairly simple Javascript and CSS files
now, later we can switch to using Coffeescript, Less or Sass or anything
which AssetPack can pre-process.
First, install the AssetPack plugin and create a fresh "app" −
$ cpanm Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack
$ mojo generate app FoundationExample
Method 1 − Local copy of Foundation
Download the latest Foundation
and put the files under a foundation/ directory under our "app"
$ mkdir foundation
$ cd foundation
$ wget
$ unzip
Now let's create a set of relative symbolic links for each file in the
Foundation directory:
$ mkdir public/foundation/
$ ln -s -r foundation/* public/foundation/
In lib/, change the startup to −
# This method will run once at server start
sub startup {
my $self = shift;
my $source = "/foundation/";
$self->asset("foundation.css" => $source."css/foundation.min.css");
$self->asset("foundation.js" => $source."js/foundation.js");
$self->asset("modernizr.js" => $source."js/vendor/modernizr.js");
$self->asset("jquery.js" => $source."js/vendor/jquery.js");
# Router
my $r = $self->routes;
# Normal route to controller
Continue with Both Methods, below.
Method 2 − CDN method
Use only the changes in lib/ shown above, but
replace the source with −
my $source = "" .
Continue with Both Methods, below.
Both Methods.
In lib/FoundationExample/Controller/ − change the welcome
routine to:
sub welcome {
my $self = shift;
$self->stash(copyright_holder => 'Someone');
$self->stash(keywords => 'something, somebody, somewhere');
$self->stash(author => 'William Lindley');
# Render template "example/welcome.html.ep" with message
$self->render(msg => 'Welcome to the Mojolicious real-time web framework!');
In templates/example/welcome.html.ep − change the layout to:
% layout 'zurbish';
and templates/layouts/zurbish.html.ep −
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!-- Zurb Foundation stuff -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
%= asset 'foundation.css'
%= asset 'modernizr.js'
<!-- end Zurb -->
<title><%= title %></title>
<meta name="copyright" content="Copyright ⓒ <%= ((localtime())[5]+1900) %> <%= $copyright_holder %>" />
<meta name="keywords" content="<%= $keywords %>" />
<meta name="author" content="<%= $author %>" />
%= asset 'jquery.js'
%= asset 'foundation.js'
<%= content %>
For more, see Jan Henning Thorsen's talk on
at MojoConf 2014.
Please note, THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, not a final article.
First let's look at the skeleton version of the main script that gets
created when you execute "mojo generate app Foo" − this is
foo/script/foo −
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 'lib';
# Start command line interface for application
require Mojolicious::Commands;
what Mojolicious::Commands
- enables all the processing for Mojolicious commands like daemon,
get, generate, *routes, test, *etc.
Then we do Mojolicious::Commands->start_app('Foo')
handles all the switches and arguments in the invocation
Loads the application class (here, lib/
Calls the application
The source for start_app (in Mojolicious/ looks like this:
sub start_app {
This calls the new()
method of Mojo::Server to
create a Mojo server object (and subscribe to the "request"
event with default request handling); the server object is returned and
upon that we call build_app().
The argument to build_app will in this example be "Foo" which is the
name of the application class for which we are building an instance.
→ Q: What does it mean, subscribe to the request event?
Then the call to start() runs as shown in, namely by
invoking the commands() and run()
methods of Mojolicious, which have the effect of processing any
commands and then running the event loop.
The only other code, aside from a stock Controller, is in lib/
package Foo;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
# This method will run once at server start
sub startup {
my $self = shift;
# Documentation browser under "/perldoc"
# Router
my $r = $self->routes;
# Normal route to controller
What's going on here?
the argument is the 'app' (instance of _ class) that _ creates
From this we can call built-ins like plugin() and routes()
An event loop is basically a loop that continually tests for external
events and executes the appropriate callbacks to handle them, it
is often the main loop in a program. Non-blocking tests for readability/writability
of file descriptors and timers are commonly used events for highly
scalable network servers, because they allow a single process to
handle thousands of client connections concurrently.
Set up all the routes, timers, and other reactions to be processed
by the event engine.
The script calls app->start (for Lite) or −−− (for Mojolicious)
Event loop runs − Mojo::IOLoop (detail?)
Timers, another primary feature of the event loop, are created
"timer" in Mojo::IOLoop
and can for example be used to delay rendering of a response, and
, won't block any other requests that might be processed concurrently…
Recurring timers created with
"recurring" in Mojo::IOLoop
are slightly more powerful, but need to be stopped manually, or
they would just keep getting emitted.
Since timers and other non-blocking operations are running solely
in the event loop, outside of the application, exceptions that
get thrown in callbacks can't get caught and handled automatically.
But you can handle them manually by subscribing to the event
"error" in Mojo::Reactor
or catching them inside the callback.
Marcus Ramberg wrote in the December 2014 Perl Advent Calendar
about Mojo::Pg, the new DBI wrapper for the Mojolicious framework.
Particularly of interest are
Automatic transaction rollback if the 'guard variable' goes out of
scope. In practice this means if you just return or throw an
exception in the middle of a routine, any transactions get rolled
back without having to do anything yourself.
Migrations. Written in plain SQL and easily embedded or attached to
your program, this was one of the few things I liked about Rails,
but it's here now.
Asynchronous triggers. You could have two processes attached to the
same database; when one does an INSERT, the other process gets a
notification. This opens up all kinds of things that were nearly
impossible before.
On top of the upcoming "INSERT … ON CONFLICT …" grammar in Postgres
9.5, which lets you do things like:
INSERT INTO distributors (did, dname)
VALUES (5, 'Gizmo transglobal'), (6, 'Associated Computing, inc')
it's well worth considering whether to keep using MySQL at all.